
Sunday 27 October 2013

Weekend gardener

Lately I’ve been very busy; i only managed to do gardening work between 1-2 hr on the weekend. Since last 2 weekends i managed to transplant few rooted figs cutting into polybag and pot. I notice that fig growing faster after i transplanted it.  This weekend i transplant a few more and took out a few rooted cutting from underneath the plastic cover for hardening before i transplant it next weekend.

a week old dauphine
a week old white genoa
2 weel old masui dauphine
Black Madeira a week after i transplant it in a polybeg
2 weeks old transplanted black madeira

various fig being hardened before transplanted
next week i can hardened this fig, in the meantime back under the sheet

Thursday 24 October 2013

Early Russian sunflower

I always love sunflower, this is one of my favourite sunflower especially after it is just started blooming.After a tiring day at work i just need to see the cheerful face of sunflower to rejuvenate. The contrast between the green centre and semi double bright orange petal is simply stunning. The petal is like the tongue of fire from the sun.

4 days ago
2 days ago



Wednesday 23 October 2013

Wordless wednesday

dendrobium orchid

impatient balsamina

lavendar gomphrena globosa

pink gomphrena

purple gomphrena

white gomphrena

Tuesday 22 October 2013

Lonely no more

This is the only chives that germinate out of few hundred seeds. Its growth is very slow. After almost a year finally it has another shoot. Gardening is good for the soul. It teaches us to appreciate diversity and beauty in God's creation, patient and last but not least the rewards for those who is diligent and dare to try.

3 months ago, lonely chives

now i've company