
Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Aster variety

Currently i have 3 species of aster, 2 sp i grow from seeds.

My experiment with seeds of aster giant single andrella yields very good result. Another candidate for cutting garden.  

 Another aster sp. It comes in 3 colour; light purple ,dark purple and white.        

This is aster pom pom.  the sole survivor

My aster flower bed


  1. Your asters are lovely. I had no idea they grow in Malaysia. Here in the midwest USA they grow as wildflowers, and I have several in my garden.

  2. thanks for visiting my blog. Actually many of the temperate flower are grown in the highland. I live in lowland, 5 min walk to the beach and surprisingly it is perennial here. I've been growing it for the last 10 years. Oh ! How i wish i can have it wildflower too:-)here it is hardwork

  3. How lovely! I, too, was surprised and delighted to see these beautiful asters growing in Malaysia. Is powdery mildew a problem for them?

    1. yes, powdery mildew is the biggest enemy during the rainy season here,since early this month it is raining heavily every afternoon, powdery mildew managed to wipe out a whole bed of my perennial aster. Next planting time is in January.

  4. Nice photos of aster. I will be having some posted shortly from my gardens here on the shores of Lake Michigan in USA. Mine are all native to the area, so that make care really easy! Enjoyed my visit to your Blog. Jack

    1. i can't wait to see your aster , even though it is hard work some species are perennial and it will bloom until the heavy rain comes. Last year rainy season was very mild so it bloom its head off, and i had cut flower for almost 2 years. Maybe one day it will acclimatise and become a native too:-)) My wishful thinking:-))

  5. gardener usually aster nk full sun or kene tmpat yg ada shade. thnks

  6. Hi.. may i know how can i get aster plant for me to plant it.. can u email me at my email.. tq

  7. Glad to see asters growing in Malaysia. I live in Malaysia, and recently try to grow asters (dark purple, but I always call it pink). But I have difficulty even to have the seeds germinate. I just scatter seeds on soil and cover with plaster wraps to keep soil moist. But it seems like nothing happening after 1 week. Do you mind to share your sowing methods? Are you selling seeds too now, for aster and rudbeckia?

  8. I love your colorful array of asters.
